Let Everybody Help
"A hungry man can't see right or wrong. He just sees food."— Pearl S. Buck
29 January 2013To: The editor of the newspaperBy: Ervin Samuel
I want to tell you that the Indonesian students can get involved in stoping the world hunger. If they help, they can stop the world hunger together. People in this world will get enough food.
There are plenty of ways of helping the hunger. The children coud save little amount of money everyday. In the end of the year, a group could send that money to the place where the people can't get food. We, children, could also send some instant food to them every month so they can keep them or at least one month.
This will be my letter to you.Sincere, Ervin Samuel
"We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry."— Jimmy Carter
"Peace begins with a smile."
— Mother Teresa
The international peace flag in the colours of the rainbow was first used in Italy on a 1961 peace march from Perugia to Assisi organised by the pacifist and social philosopher Aldo Capitini (1899–1968). Inspired by the peace flags used on British peace marches, Capitini got some women of Perugia hurriedly to sew together coloured strips of material. The march has been repeated many times since 1961, the most recent in 2010. The original flag was kept by Capitini's collaborator, Lanfranco Mencaroni, at Collevalenza, near Todi. In 2011, plans were announced to transfer it to the Palazzo dei Priori in Perugia.